The UTaNRMP SEA report is a report on the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Upper Tana Natural Resources Management Project (UTaNRMP) undertaken between February and May 2012. The objectives of the SEA included; to identify environmental impacts and opportunities of mitigation measures into programme design during the formulation stage of programmes, and in the process influence IFAD and donor support to UTaNRMP development efforts towards environmental sustainability and climate smart development; ensure the full consideration of alternative programme/project options including the do nothing option, at an early stage when there is still greater flexibility; ensure the cumulative, indirect or secondary impacts of diverse multiple activities are considered, including their unintended consequences; ensure environmental principles such as sustainability, polluter pays and the precautionary principle are integrated into the development, appraisal, and selection of programme options; and provide an early opportunity to check whether or not the proposed programme is compatible with existing related policies, legislation, plans and programs.
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