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UTaNRMP GALS Success Stories

From a gender baseline study undertaken by the Upper Tana Catchment Natural Resources MAnagement Project (UTaNRMP) in 2014, it emerged that on land ownership, 85.8% of the family land was registered under the man of the household and 7.4% under women. On gender workload analysis, the study established that in sections of the project area, women work an average of 15-17 hours per day against 6-10hours worked by men. On the other hand, men would get up to seven hours of rest in a day while women would rest for one hour or less in a day.

UTaNRMP Matching Grant (5th Edition, July 2020)

This manual provides modalities, processes and procedures that will be applied for funding through PCT window. The preparation of this manual is guided by the Project Design Report (PDR), Loan Agreement as well as other GOK and IFAD policy documents. The manual has borrowed from experiences of other Community Driven Development (CDD) such as the World Bank funded Natural Resources Management Project.


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