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UTaNRMP Resources

  • Description:

    UTaNRMP is implemented through a Community Driven Development Approach (CDD). The project provides Matching Grants to Common Interest Groups (CIGs) through the Project Coordinating Unit (PCU) to support them implement Income Generating Activities (IGAs) upon submission of acceptable proposals. The Grants will be output-based with release of funds being made in tranches upon the achievement of milestones specified in the grant implementation agreement between the Project Coordinating Unit (PCU) and the CIGs.

    The CIGs will receive an initial advance of the grant amount, and will subsequently lodge requests for further disbursement as each milestone is reached and the milestone report is submitted. The PCU will engage the services of an Independent Oversight Agent (a private service provider) to appraise proposals (both desk and field) and carry out monitoring to verify the milestone achievements before further financial releases are made. This milestone-based disbursement system is intended to strengthen accountability and transparency and ensure accomplishment of agreed implementation targets.

    The project activities funded under this approach must be income generating in nature and with positive impacts to the environment. The project proposals may include the following sectors among others:

    i. Agriculture/ horticulture and related enterprises

    ii. Fisheries and related enterprises;

    iii. Livestock production and related enterprises;

    iv. Farm forestry and tree nursery development;

    v. Value addition and Food processing;

    vi. Energy saving technologies including renewable energy.

    vii. Soil and water conservation and environmental hotspots rehabilitation.

     The deadline for submission of the duly signed proposal by County Project Coordinators (CPC) to Project Coordinating Unit (PCU) office-Embu is on the forty second (42nd ) day from the date of advertisement (19th September 2017).

    Category: Downloads Date Uploaded: 7 years 2 months ago
    No. of Downloads: 646
    Recent Download Date: Thursday, November 21, 2024 - 08:00
  • Description:

    UTaNRMP is implemented through a Community Driven Development Approach (CDD). The project provides Matching Grants to Common Interest Groups (CIGs) through the Project Coordinating Unit (PCU) to support them implement Income Generating Activities (IGAs) upon submission of acceptable proposals. The Grants will be output-based with release of funds being made in tranches upon the achievement of milestones specified in the grant implementation agreement between the Project Coordinating Unit (PCU) and the CIGs.

    The CIGs will receive an initial advance of the grant amount, and will subsequently lodge requests for further disbursement as each milestone is reached and the milestone report is submitted. The PCU will engage the services of an Independent Oversight Agent (a private service provider) to appraise proposals (both desk and field) and carry out monitoring to verify the milestone achievements before further financial releases are made. This milestone-based disbursement system is intended to strengthen accountability and transparency and ensure accomplishment of agreed implementation targets.

    The project activities funded under this approach must be income generating in nature and with positive impacts to the environment. The project proposals may include the following sectors among others:

    i. Agriculture/ horticulture and related enterprises

    ii. Fisheries and related enterprises;

    iii. Livestock production and related enterprises;

    iv. Farm forestry and tree nursery development;

    v. Value addition and Food processing;

    vi. Energy saving technologies including renewable energy.

    vii. Soil and water conservation and environmental hotspots rehabilitation.

     The deadline for submission of the duly signed proposal by County Project Coordinators (CPC) to Project Coordinating Unit (PCU) office-Embu is on the forty second (42nd ) day from the date of advertisement (19th September 2017).

    Category: Downloads Date Uploaded: 7 years 2 months ago
    No. of Downloads: 655
    Recent Download Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2024 - 08:00
  • Description:

    The Government of Kenya has received financial assistance from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Spanish Trust Fund towards financing an eight year (2012-2020) Upper Tana Natural Resources Management Project.  The goal of the project is to contribute to rural poverty reduction in the Upper Tana River Catchment through increased sustainable food production and incomes and sustainable management of natural resources for provision of environmental services. The Project Lead Agency is the Ministry of Water and Irrigation Services. The project area covers six counties namely: Embu, Meru, Tharaka Nithi, Nyeri, Kirinyaga and Murang’a. The area includes Mount Kenya and Aberdare National Park.

    The Project wishes to invite eligible and qualified firms to submit their interest in providing Independent Oversight Agent onsultancy Services to carry out community proposal appraisals (Both Desk And Field), Implementation Monitoring And Evaluation Of Approved Proposals Duly completed EOI documents in hard copy should be submitted to the project using the provided address or drop-off point on or before 1700Hours on 22nd September 2017.

    Category: Downloads Date Uploaded: 7 years 2 months ago
    No. of Downloads: 340
    Recent Download Date: Saturday, November 23, 2024 - 08:00
  • Description:

    This advert is for UTaNRMP's 3rd call for proposals for community projects' civil works. It appeared in the MyGov Issue No. 0025 of Tuesday July 4 2017.

    Community groups requesting for assistance from the Upper Tana Natural Resources Management Project (UTaNRMP) under the water resources management sub-component should include:-

    a) Community water development. These activities are:-

    i. Development/rehabilitation of rainwater harvesting and storage including water pans and dams;

    ii. Roof water harvesting demonstration for public institutions (e.g schools, hospitals, dispensaries, health centres, youth polytechnics);

    iii. Rehabilitation/development of boreholes, shallow wells and springs,

    iv. Rehabilitation of (common) intakes /devises and community domestic water supply systems

    b) Water - Saving Irrigation technologies

    These activities include:-

    i. Upgrading of water conveyance systems and improvement of Water application systems in order to improve efficiencies.

    c) Remedial works at hot spots

    The activities include rehabilitation of road embankments; borrow pits, quarries, and denuded hilltops, and eroded riverbanks, wetlands, springs.

    Category: Downloads Date Uploaded: 7 years 5 months ago
    No. of Downloads: 549
    Recent Download Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2024 - 08:00
  • Description:

    This advert is for UTaNRMP's 3rd call for proposals for community projects' civil works. It appeared in the MyGov Issue No. 0025 of Tuesday July 4 2017.

    Community groups requesting for assistance from the Upper Tana Natural Resources Management Project (UTaNRMP) under the water resources management sub-component should include:-

    a) Community water development. These activities are:-

    i. Development/rehabilitation of rainwater harvesting and storage including water pans and dams;

    ii. Roof water harvesting demonstration for public institutions (e.g schools, hospitals, dispensaries, health centres, youth polytechnics);

    iii. Rehabilitation/development of boreholes, shallow wells and springs,

    iv. Rehabilitation of (common) intakes /devises and community domestic water supply systems

    b) Water - Saving Irrigation technologies

    These activities include:-

    i. Upgrading of water conveyance systems and improvement of Water application systems in order to improve efficiencies.

    c) Remedial works at hot spots

    The activities include rehabilitation of road embankments; borrow pits, quarries, and denuded hilltops, and eroded riverbanks, wetlands, springs.

    Category: Downloads Date Uploaded: 7 years 5 months ago
    No. of Downloads: 498
    Recent Download Date: Saturday, November 23, 2024 - 08:00
  • Description:

    The Government of Kenya has received financial assistance from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Spanish Trust Fund towards financing an eight year (2012-2020) Upper Tana Natural Resources Management Project.  The goal of the project is to contribute to rural poverty reduction in the Upper Tana River Catchment through increased sustainable food production and incomes and sustainable management of natural resources for provision of environmental services. The Project Lead Agency is the Ministry of Water and Irrigation Services.  The project area covers six counties namely: Embu, Meru, Tharaka Nithi, Nyeri, Kirinyaga and Murang’a. The area includes Mount Kenya and Aberdare National Park.

    The Project wishes to invite eligible and qualified firms including those owned by Youth, Women and Persons with Disability (YWPD) to submit sealed applications for purposes of pre-qualifying suppliers of goods, works, Services and consultancies for the period 2017 – 2018 under the categories listed in the attachments provided. The instructions to Tenderers, prescribed formats, evaluation criteria, are provided along with this EoI document. Duly completed EOI documents in hard copy should be submitted to the project using the provided address or drop-off point on or before 10:00 AM on 20th July 2017.

    Category: Downloads Date Uploaded: 7 years 5 months ago
    No. of Downloads: 1233
    Recent Download Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2024 - 08:00
  • Description:

    The Government of Kenya has received financial assistance from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Spanish Trust Fund towards financing an eight year (2012-2020) Upper Tana Natural Resources Management Project.  The goal of the project is to contribute to rural poverty reduction in the Upper Tana River Catchment through increased sustainable food production and incomes and sustainable management of natural resources for provision of environmental services. The Project Lead Agency is the Ministry of Water and Irrigation Services.  The project area covers six counties namely: Embu, Meru, Tharaka Nithi, Nyeri, Kirinyaga and Murang’a. The area includes Mount Kenya and Aberdare National Park.

    The Project wishes to invite eligible and qualified firms including those owned by Youth, Women and Persons with Disability (YWPD) to submit sealed applications for purposes of pre-qualifying suppliers of goods, works, Services and consultancies for the period 2017 – 2018 under the categories listed in the attachments provided. The instructions to Tenderers, prescribed formats, evaluation criteria, are provided along with this EoI document. Duly completed EOI documents in hard copy should be submitted to the project using the provided address or drop-off point on or before 10:00 AM on 20th July 2017.

    Category: Downloads Date Uploaded: 7 years 5 months ago
    No. of Downloads: 666
    Recent Download Date: Thursday, November 21, 2024 - 08:00
  • Description:

    The Government of Kenya has received financial assistance from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Spanish Trust Fund towards financing an eight year (2012-2020) Upper Tana Natural Resources Management Project.  The goal of the project is to contribute to rural poverty reduction in the Upper Tana River Catchment through increased sustainable food production and incomes and sustainable management of natural resources for provision of environmental services. The Project Lead Agency is the Ministry of Water and Irrigation.  The project area covers six counties namely: Muranga, Meru, TharakaNithi, Nyeri, Kirinyaga and Muranga. The area includes Mount Kenya and Aberdare National Parks.

    The project intends to use part of the funds to procure pipes and fittings for implementation of Water Projects in the project area counties. Towards accomplishing its objectives the Upper Tana Natural Resources Management Project (UTaNRMP) now invites sealed tenders from eligible and qualified tenderers for SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF PIPES AND FITINGS FOR Water Projects in the project area counties as per specifications in the specific tender documents.

    Category: Downloads Date Uploaded: 7 years 9 months ago
    No. of Downloads: 481
    Recent Download Date: Thursday, November 21, 2024 - 08:00
  • Description:

    The Government of Kenya has received financial assistance from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Spanish Trust Fund towards financing an eight year (2012-2020) Upper Tana Natural Resources Management Project.  The goal of the project is to contribute to rural poverty reduction in the Upper Tana River Catchment through increased sustainable food production and incomes and sustainable management of natural resources for provision of environmental services. The Project Lead Agency is the Ministry of Water and Irrigation.  The project area covers six counties namely: Muranga, Meru, TharakaNithi, Nyeri, Kirinyaga and Muranga. The area includes Mount Kenya and Aberdare National Parks.

    The project intends to use part of the funds to procure pipes and fittings for implementation of Water Projects in the project area counties. Towards accomplishing its objectives the Upper Tana Natural Resources Management Project (UTaNRMP) now invites sealed tenders from eligible and qualified tenderers for SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF PIPES AND FITINGS FOR Water Projects in the project area counties as per specifications in the specific tender documents.

    Category: Downloads Date Uploaded: 7 years 9 months ago
    No. of Downloads: 394
    Recent Download Date: Thursday, November 21, 2024 - 08:00
  • Description:

    The Government of Kenya has received financial assistance from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Spanish Trust Fund towards financing an eight year (2012-2020) Upper Tana Natural Resources Management Project.  The goal of the project is to contribute to rural poverty reduction in the Upper Tana River Catchment through increased sustainable food production and incomes and sustainable management of natural resources for provision of environmental services. The Project Lead Agency is the Ministry of Water and Irrigation.  The project area covers six counties namely: Muranga, Meru, TharakaNithi, Nyeri, Kirinyaga and Muranga. The area includes Mount Kenya and Aberdare National Parks.

    The project intends to use part of the funds to procure pipes and fittings for implementation of Water Projects in the project area counties. Towards accomplishing its objectives the Upper Tana Natural Resources Management Project (UTaNRMP) now invites sealed tenders from eligible and qualified tenderers for SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF PIPES AND FITINGS FOR Water Projects in the project area counties as per specifications in the specific tender documents.

    Category: Downloads Date Uploaded: 7 years 9 months ago
    No. of Downloads: 374
    Recent Download Date: Thursday, November 21, 2024 - 08:00



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